Rare Kdf Wagen 1938 Sales Brochure VW Beetle Split Window German Volkswagen
This Extremely Rare 32-page brochure was printed in 1938.
A masterpiece of early automotive art with a very colorful front and back cover which shows a front 3/4 view of the first Käfer (or beetle) against a backdrop of the Alps with a savings booklet (Sparkarte) in the background that was required to purchase one of the little cars.
The German artist of the colorful brochure cover was Werner von Axster-Heudtlass. His initials, vAH, can be seen in the lower corner of the back cover. The remainder of the brochure was printed in black and white.
Inside, there are many highly detailed full-page and half-page photographs showing every aspect of the innovative little machines. The text explains the car’s function, features, standard equipment, cost prices, model options, purchase contract, delivery terms, etc.